Fit Model Division Rules


Criteria for Judging Fit Model Physiques:

  1. Condition
  2. Symmetry and Balance
  3. Presentation (Posing)
  4. Muscularity

Fit Model Competitors should display:

  1. A foundation of muscle which gives shape to the female body however the amount of muscle should be less than seen in Bikini.
  2. A. This means the amount of muscle in the legs, glutes, arms, and delts should be less than currently seen in the NPC and IFBB Pro League Bikini Division.
  3. Full glutes with no visible tie-in area. However, the glutes should be firm when doing the model walk to the back of the stage or in transitions while posing.
  4. Small amount of roundness to the delts but no capped delts.
  5. A core that is in shape but not too conditioned or lean.
  6. Overall conditioning that is less than the NPC and IFBB Pro League Bikini division but would be seen on a Mainstream Fitness Magazine Cover.
  7. Hair, tan, makeup, and suit that all work together and enhance their presentation.


  1. Front pose is displayed above. One leg should be in front of the other with the hips slightly tilted.
  2. Back pose is the same as the Bikini back pose.

What we are looking for with the posing:

Front Pose-

  1. A balanced upper to lower body with a base of muscle. No body part should be overpowering another.
  2. There should not be any separation showing in the shoulders, arms, or legs.
  3. The core should be flat but not too detailed or separated.

Back Pose-

  1. Overall balance between glutes and legs.
  2. Glutes should be firm when moving or walking but there should not be any visible tie-in.
  3. There should be no separation seen in the hamstrings.

*Note: The example photographs of Ashley Kaltwasser is the desired look we are going for.


Competition Suit Criteria:

  1. Suit must be one plain color. (Material must be Spandex or Metallic) (No other material will be permitted.)
  2. No bling is allowed on the suit (No stones, crystals, sequins, or beads)
  3. No connectors are allowed on the suit
  4. Must have moderate coverage on bikini bottom in the front and  50% coverage in the back of the suit. A Scrunch Back is allowed for the Bikini Bottom as long as it has 50% coverage.
  5. No “Ties” on the sides of the bikinis
  6. Competitors will compete in a two-piece suit.
  7. The bottom front of the suit should not be a sharp “V” in shape. It should be slightly rounded.
  8. No Thongs are permitted.

Competitors can compete in an off the rack suit. All swimsuits must be in good taste. Athletes will be warned about improper suits and are advised to bring two (2) suits to check in. If the fronts of the suit(s) bottoms are too low and the judges deem them so at check-in’s, then the suit must be constructed higher, otherwise the Athletes will be scored down if the suit is not up to standard. If the judges deem your suit not to conform to the rules and inappropriate, then you will be directed to leave the stage and disqualified. NO EXCEPTIONS


Competitors must wear high heels.

Competitors may wear jewelry.

*Note: The NPC, NPC Worldwide and IFBB Professional League Have Not Authorized or Granted the license, authority or exclusivity to any competition suit company or designer to be their Official Suit Maker and to advertise their suits as an Official Cut or Approved Cut. There has never been an Official or Approved “Pro Cut Bikini” for Any Division! That term was erroneously created by suit makers.



  • Competitors will walk onstage alone and perform their front and back poses.
  • The whole presentation will consist of the following:

Walk to the center of the stage, stop and do a front stance, then a full turn and do a back stance, then turn to the front again and face the judges as directed then proceed to the side of the stage. Do Not stop to hit a ‘transition pose’. That will not be judged. No lewd acts are permitted, i.e. touching of the body with your hands for example amongst other poses. Length of time allowed is 10 seconds. If you exceed the allotted time, you will be told “Time” and have to stop your routine at that time and exit the stage.

*We do not want see a “T-Walk” presentation. Once your name is called, walk directly to the outlined box in the center of the stage.


  • Competitors will be judged wearing a two-piece swimsuit and heels.
  • The competitors will be brought back out in a group and directed to do a full front and back stance.
  • Judges will have the opportunity to compare competitors against each other in the front pose and back pose.
  • Competitors may be asked as a group to do a model walk to the line at back of the stage during overall comparisons. Then stop. Then directed to face the front and walk back to the front comparison line. This will be at the discretion of the judging panel and may not occur at every contest.


Judges will be scoring competitors using the following criteria:

  • Balance, Shape, Conditioning, Muscularity, and overall presentation
  • Overall physical appearance including complexion, skin tone, and poise.


In NPC Competitions, you Can Not crossover from Bikini or any other Women’s division to Fit Model Division in the same contest. You can enter a contest in Bikini and in your next competition enter as Fit Model Division to find out what is best for you.

The only crossovers that will be permitted will be within the Fit Model division, for example a competitor can enter in all of the following Fit Model classes that would apply to them: True Novice, Novice, Junior, Masters, and Open.


Four Classes:

Class A – Up to and including 5’2”

Class B – Over 5’2” up to including 5’4”

Class C – Over 5’4” up to and including 5’6”

Class D – Over 5’6”

Six Classes:

Class A – Up to and including 5’1”

Class B – Over 5’1” and up to and including 5’2-1/2”

Class C – Over 5’2-1/2” and up to and including 5’4”

Class D – Over 5’4” and up to and including 5’5-1/2”

Class E – Over 5’5-1/2” and up to and including 5’7”

Class F – Over 5’7”


-To qualify to compete in an IFBB Pro Qualifying Contest, Fit Model Division competitors must compete in One (1) NPC contest prior to the IFBB Pro Qualifying Contest they plan to enter.

(If you competed in an NPC contest in 2024, that can serve as your qualification to compete in the Fit Model Division Only at an IFBB Pro Qualifying Contest in 2025.)

This Is The Pro Card Breakdown For The OPEN Divisions;

First IFBB Pro Qualifier will be the 2025 NPC Pittsburgh Natural Pro Qualifier, 4 Height Classes & Top 2 In The Overall Qualify.

-NPC Junior USA Championships, 4 Height Classes and Height Class winners Qualify.

-NPC Junior National Championships, 4 Height Classes and Height Class winners Qualify.

-NPC Universe Championships, 4 Height Classes with Top 2 in each Height Class Qualify.

-NPC USA Championships, 4 Height Classes with Top 2 in each Height Class Qualify.

-NPC North American Championships, 4 Height Classes and Height Class winners Qualify.

-NPC Ben Weider Natural Pro Qualifier, 4 Height Classes & Top 2 In The Overall Qualify.

-NPC National Championships, 4 Height Classes with Top 2 in each Height Class Qualify.

The Pro Card Breakdown For The National Shows With MASTERS DIVISIONS Will Be Available On The Individual Contests Websites in the Near Future.

These shows are:

-NPC Pittsburgh Natural Pro Qualifier

-NPC Universe Championships

-NPC Masters National Championships

-NPC North American Championships

-NPC Ben Weider Natural Pro Qualifier

-NPC Masters USA Championships

More Information will be forthcoming for NPC contests and IFBB Professional League and NPC Worldwide on and